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Transform your wedding workflow with Classy Comms

business floral entrepeneur wedding florist

You started this business for flowers and freedom, but something went wrong along the way...

When your client journey is optimised your leads convert with ease, they have complete trust in your expertise and let you work your magic.

The cherry on top? You get to let your business run effortlessly in the background while you focus on your zone of genius.

But let's talk about your current situation:

You care about your clients and want to deepen your connection 

But you find it SO exhausting to constantly write back to every tiny question, create a personalised experience and implement warm welcoming touchpoints with every single couple who inquires.


Your system's messier than the van after midnight bump out 🚐

Does it feel chaotic to you? Because it probably feels the same to your clients.

If you've ever felt like you've missed important touchpoints or you're constantly sending the classic "apologies for the delayed response" email it's definitely time to get a solid workflow in place.

You deserve it and your clients deserve it.


You want your time back and you're tired of the never-ending repetitive communication.

You started this business to create flowers and freedom but something went wrong along the way...

If you're constantly chained to your laptop then you aren't building a business, you're building a job.

For your business to scale the back-end should run even when you're out at a wedding, battling for a park at the markets or taking a day off with your family.


You've been "meaning to get to setting up your CRM" but the whole thing is overwhelming and you don't have the time.

Starting from scratch is entirely unnecessary and creating a much bigger job for you. When you use tools, resources and knowledge from a seasoned professional who's already been where you are now you get to create momentum, solve problems and set plans in action with speed and efficiency.

You're doing it the hard way but there's a better solution.


You're tired of being compared by price to other florists and losing the job due to not being the cheapest.

This happens when you haven't been able to showcase your unique brand and the incredible value it offers.

By creating a premium customer experience you stand out from the sea of florists and elevate your brand above others.

This will increase your conversions with confidence and class.


The best part?

I've created the perfect resource for you to instantly combat these challenges and move your business in the right direction.

An optimised workflow with every email written for you - ready to plug straight into your CRM or email system to instantly give you back hours of your life and inject the magic you've been missing in your comms.

These templates are crafted to revolutionise your workflow, making client communication effortless and professional.


  • Confident and Classy Communication: Pre-written emails that take your client through an intentional and refined workflow, solving pain points, building trust and increasing client experience

  • Time Efficiency: Save hours each week with instant responses and pre-empted solutions creating a clean and streamlined back-end for your thriving floral business

  • Increased Professionalism: Ensure every client interaction is polished, consistent and on brand with personalised and passionate touchpoints increasing your brand value. Your clients will be raving about your service to everyone they know.

Your new favourite email templates are available now for you to instantly transform your business and life. Snap yours up here!