Member Spotlight - Bek Novak Designs

Hey Bek! Share with us your floral journey so far; How long have you been flowering for, tell us about your business, where you're based and what you love most about floristry:
I got my floral training at Pearsons in Sydney during 2019/2020 just after the lockdown periods. I actually never officially graduated... I hate assignments and just wanted to work with the flowers haha. I then got thrown into the deep and got a job as a florist for an events company and it was my job to design, go to the markets and create all the floral aspects. I hadn't even finished my classes at that point so I had to learn real fast. Looking back now, I have no idea how I managed to create a full wedding design in my tiny apartment in Bondi and delivered without anything going wrong! I now have my own business which I run between full time work and looking after my little family in Christchurch, NZ.
The thing I love the most about floristry is probably the end of a wedding... but let me explain! Weddings are hectic, we all know that but when you see months and months of planning come together and the bride loves it, all the stress is so worth it! We pour our blood, sweat and tears into these events and I have had many sleepless nights thinking about all the tiny details... when it all comes together, I'm so fulfilled creatively and it's just become an obsession at this point.

What first drew you to the Wildflower Academy Membership?
I really liked Ash's laid back attitude and stunning blooms. I thought beautifully designed flowers was very serious business, but here Ash was just enjoying what she was doing and creating amazing stuff. Of course, I wanted to know how to create amazing designs as well. I think there was just over 100 classes when I joined so it was great value for money compared to some other options out there at the time. I literally binged watched so many instead of buying ebooks for hundreds of dollars and felt the value was unmatched.
What impact has the Wildflower Academy membership had on your business?
Even though I was formally trained, I almost felt like I didn't know how to create arrangements that brides were actually wanting. I also thought I would have had to been in the industry for years to gain enough knowledge to create modern day blooms. I really feel like I've saved years of time by cutting right to the good stuff and Ash showing me exactly how to she designs luxury pieces.
Then there's the business side that I admit, didn't excite me at all and I didn't watch them at first. As my business has started getting busier, I knew it was time for me to watch the 'boring business stuff' and I'm kicking myself I didn't do this earlier! haha I'm a creative person but since watching these, I feel so confident in making business decisions and knowing that I can go back and watch these whenever I want is like, the best tool ever!

Share a story about how the Wildflower Floral Community has helped your business/mindset/connecting with flower friends:
I think at times the flower industry can be quite crowded and busy with everyone trying to compete for the same couples, but our Wildflower Floral Community is just the complete opposite. I feel like I have my own floral friends there ready to help with any question and its actually saved me a lot of research time because everyone is willing to share their own tips and tricks.
What is your favourite feature or class within the Wildflower Academy membership?
I really love the bouquet classes. The first time I saw that I was allowed to tie my flowers off, put them down mid bouquet and give my hand a rest... GROUNDBREAKING! I was always thinking about how I was trained and following that religiously, so being able to take a step back and actually looked at how I was designing was a game changer for me. The first bouquet I did after watching that class is still my favourite ever. It only has 3 ingredients but it was such an improvement to my designs. I remember thinking, "wow, maybe I can actually do this.”
Tell us more about how you approach your business, your planning and strategy, moving towards success and how you celebrate your wins.
My approach to my business has changed so much over the years. I thought that if my flowers were nice then I'd just automatically be successful. This is so far from reality and its a hard pill to swallow sometimes! My family are I are actually planning to move back to Sydney in 2025 which is so exciting (hello, Sydney markets my old friend!) but, this also requires me to plan a strategic re-entry into our busy industry. It's over 12 months away but as we know, weddings are booked so far in advance so I'm taking particular steps to give myself the best chance I can. It's why Wildflower Academy marketing module has been so great for goal setting. We are always hearing about our ideal clients but the module has helped me work on my ideal life and how I can make floristry work for me. Knowing what my priorities are makes goal setting super easy.
I also strongly believe that to be successful, you have to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Every time I feel myself hesitant to complete a task, that's usually a sign I should definitely do that task. Getting used to doing stuff I didn't want to do has honestly changed the speed in which I move forward in my business. Sometimes, there is literally no one else stopping you from reaching your goals except yourself! Having the emotional intelligence to know when to move out of your own way is invaluable.
There is an overwhelming amount of information from everyone telling you 'how to be successful' in all areas of life. Im happy to admit I have followed trends and done some pretty silly TikTok's thinking that it was the missing piece. Sure, you might get 10,000 views on a video but if none of those people are your ideal clients, then does it really matter? Observing whats on trend but not taking part unless it aligns with my values has taken me a while to wrap my head around. Its so easy to get swept up when trying to build a name for yourself!

What goals do you have for the future of your flower biz?
We all know when running your own business, floristry isn't a 9-5 job, its a lifestyle. My goals are to create a business that works for me and my soon to be family of 4 whilst fulfilling myself creatively. I definitely have an ideal figure in mind which how much id like to earn but I'm in this for the long haul haha Staying aligned with my branding and values will be my main goal and the rest will follow. Authenticity wins every time and thats what I hope to create with my brand that will allow me to support my family for years to come!
Anything else you want to add/share/talk about? Feel free to share!
JUST GO FOR IT! 'The worst anyone can say is no'. I definitely got this from my mother who has always told me, do everything, take every opportunity and just ask... so what if they say no?! You'll be kicking yourself for years if you just let opportunities go past, all because you let that hesitating feeling stop you from moving forward. I have had great opportunities in my floristry career all from just asking a question. Feel the fear and embrace it!