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A wedding florist booking dream jobs using a simple Tiktok Strategy

business business growth floristry business marketing social media tiktok wedding florist

A creative soul, Maddie Jaydee struggled to find her artistic niche throughout her childhood and adolescence. Floral design became the answer to her artistic yearning, and she has been a qualified floral designer since 2016. 

After being educated by and working alongside some of Australia’s best florists, Maddie has developed a soft, whimsical style inspired by romance and nature.

It didn't take long for her to make her way to the flower markets to start creating flowers to sell via her Instagram. Soon, she decided it might be a good idea to jump on TikTok and quickly found it grew her business in ways she never imagined possible.

We interviewed Maddie inside our Wildflower Academy membership, where she shares all of her insights into using social media successfully to grow her business!


When did you first start using TikTok as a marketing platform? 

In 2019, I did get a TikTok and posted some bits and pieces, but wasn't really taking it seriously. Then when I lost my job in the first lockdown, I did eventually get it back. I think it was seven or eight weeks, I didn't have any work, so I started going to the flower markets just to make some things because I missed it.

On a whim, one day I decided to film myself and make a timelapse. Posted it with just with a song, no voiceover, nothing. And it got a few thousand views and I was like “Oh, this is nice”. And I had like two people email me saying, “Hey, can I order some flowers?”

And that's how it happened. Throughout that lockdown period, I gained probably like two or 3000 followers, it’s not much but at the time that felt massive. It really kind of built my business at that point in time because most of my weddings for that year got cancelled or rescheduled.


What’s something you love about TikTok as a marketing tool? 

It’s really safe. It's more casual and I really appreciate that about TikTok, even though it's so saturated, I find it really casual in comparison to Instagram.

I would never post a video of me in my pyjamas on Instagram, but for some reason it makes its way into my wedding vlogs. 


Did you find that people would watch your TikToks and it would convert into sales?

Yes. It's interesting. I feel like I at the time, I had no idea what I was doing so I didn't record the data. But in that period of time, I went from no orders essentially, because I was just doing them for myself, to having at least 8 to 10 a week for the few weeks where I was without a job.

They were all from TikTok because my website from has the good ol’ question  “where did you find me from?” And all of them were from TikTok. That was really interesting


Do you have any types of content that you notice take off more effectively on TikTok?

I do three different types of videos:

1. The first and probably the most effective for me is the wedding vlog style. It's where I bring my followers/viewers along for like a whole wedding set up. It's very fast and showing them what I'm doing. I usually try and keep them to about a minute. I get lots of questions in the comments and then I can answer them in another video. The more videos you post on TikTok, we all know the better the algorithm will like you.

2. The second type of video I post is a glamour shot of something beautiful I've made with a nice little song. Very easy to do because you're always getting content off your work. So I love those ones. 

3. The third is answering questions or comments that I get. It a really good way to increase engagement. I find usually the person who has asked it will like or comment back again, and then you can get a conversation going, which is really nice.


Do you have any memories of times where you thought to yourself “I figured something out here”?

There's one video in particular of mine, it's definitely my most viewed video, it has over 200k views. I remember posting it on New Year's Day. 2021. It was a bouquet I'd made in 2020 during a shoot, because we all were bored and doing nothing, and I was really proud of it at the time.

For some reason, that video, I still cannot figure out why, it popped off. 200,000 views. I gained around 4, 000 followers in 24 hours.

I had a lot of inquiries for wedding flowers from Brisbane. I did get a few global ones, and at the time I thought I don't know how to do that. 

For my 2021 wedding season, I started the year with about 20 weddings booked, which at the time felt huge. Out of that 20, like 18 of them had come from TikTok and that one video.

That’s definitely my a core memory of mine on TikTok. A somewhat viral video, it maybe isn't a lot for some others, but for me it was massive. It had a very obvious impact on my business.


In terms of how much you put into Instagram, TikTok and any other marketing platforms, what’s the split of where you put your energy into?

It's definitely 50/50 for me when I'm not too insanely busy. When I am insanely busy, I probably post on Instagram more, just because it's a bit easier. 

In saying that, when I'm not stupidly busy, it's definitely 50/50. If I post a wedding on Instagram, I'll post it on TikTok. If I post a vlog on TikTok, I'll post a photo of the wedding on Instagram, like it kind of goes hand in hand for me, which is very easy.


Do you have any advice that you give to anyone else who's scared about jumping on TikTok?

My main advice I can give is just do it. For me, it's been a really valuable tool for networking, but also for conversion of bookings. I've definitely gotten a good amount of bookings from TikTok. I think if you're not on TikTok in 2024, and you're posting on Instagram, you should be posting on TikTok.

If you can post on Instagram, really, you can post on TikTok.  I feel like a lot of people are adverse to posting on TikTok, because it's another app, and it's ‘annoying’ and we already post on Instagram. When Instagram Reels started, everyone said that was annoying, but now you're posting them actively and you should have the same mentality for TikTok.

 To watch and listen to the full interview, join our Wildflower Academy!