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"Don't be afraid to let them see you trying"

business growth community floral career mantra mindset

I have a new Mantra and she's a juicy one.

Let's backtrack. Two weeks before Christmas, I was feeling yuck, walking around a shopping centre, attempting to find an outfit I liked for the many upcoming gatherings I had with friends, family and work Chrissy parties (It's not like I don't have enough clothes I just always find myself searching for THE outfit that will make me feel ultra cool when I have big social things on the horizon).

I wander into a new shop and instantly, I am greeted (harassed? I'm so bad at talking to people at the shops when I'm in a low mood) by two eager retail workers who straight away stated "we love your TikToks and watch all of your videos". Now, this is a massive compliment and I am always shocked and grateful that anyone would even take the time to watch my flower chats, but at this particular time I was horrified and I immediately evacuated the store to seek out anonymity in Kookai where they no one would acknowledge my existence (just the way I liked it).

My thought process at this time was "I wish I could hide my TikTok from everyone who knows me/would potentially meet me."

I've had this thought MANY times!

When a friend chants back my "3 mistakes I made in marketing my floristry business" video, when my partner watches my TikToks with the volume on next to me on the couch (mortifying), or when anyone's name I recognise follows me or likes my videos. 

I've talked to my friends about this feeling and they all assure me that my videos are fine and they love seeing them - even if the topics aren't relevant. I've had other business friends even tell me they've taken the advice from my content and applied it in their own way and it's been helpful.

Still, I can't shake the feeling of absolute cringe when I am showing up on my marketing platforms, connecting with my ideal client and promoting my offers.Then, 2 days ago, on a guilty scroll through the TikTok app, I hear the life changing phrase:

"Do not be afraid to let them see you try"


I stop to listen to the full video.

The clip sums up everything I have been feeling. The fear of judgement to be seen trying to make something I really care about work.

I know that you can relate because we ALL feel that block when we are about to hit post on an Instagram post or to share that we would love it if someone inquired with us or to even show our face on our website.

We self-sabotage in order to hold onto the feeling of dignity of not being too passionate, not being bad at something, not taking a chance on a dream or stepping outside of the status quo.

It should be the complete opposite.


It should be admirable to put yourself out there, to be bad at something the first time you try it, to be messy, to be passionate, to take risks. These are all the things that lead us to building our businesses, becoming skilled, optimising and creating our dream lives (which are all of the things we actually do celebrate and congratulate).

There are too many of us not doing what we need to do (and we literally know what that thing is!) because we're afraid of this completely imaginary judgement that we've invented in our head. We're afraid to let people we know see us try.

So we don't try at all. We stay stagnant, play it cool and pretend that dream in our head isn't even that important to us.

This year, we're changing the story and we're going to flip the script, re-write the narrative and be loud and proud and a little bit showy that we are trying and I'm going to celebrate every single one of you for every single attempt you make.

If you're seeking an ambitious, passionate, growth focussed, madly in love with their flower biz group of florists to join you on your floral adventures you can join our beautiful private floral community inside the Wildflower Academy Membership, trust me, you'll love it in there.

Happy trying, Flower Lover 😘

Ash x