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Do you know how your flowers are grown?

The first time I ever entered the Sydney Flower Markets I was incredibly overwhelmed and I distinctly remember thinking "this isn't cute like the Parisian flower markets I saw on Pinterest..."

Where were the aesthetic wicker baskets filled with peonies and lavender?!

It wasn't love at first sight but it definitely wasn't long before I fell hard for the 2am wakeups, fashionable fluros and near-death forklift experiences.

The 3 main elements I adore about the markets are:

1. The flowers, of course. The opportunity to select each bundle of petals based on colour, quality, stem length and that one incredible speckled ranuncula that will make the entire bouquet come together was an artist's dream. I am told over and over again how lucky we are that the Sydney Flower Markets and I feel grateful everytime I fill my trolley with the prettiest combos and promenade it down the middle aisle.

2. The Florists. Not only the friends I was to soon make, and hug and excitedly catch up with in the aisles at 5am. Sharing our upcoming jobs, flower hauls, horror stories and laughing over the real story behind our aesthetic instagram stories. Also, the florists whom I'd always admired, bought their books and poured over their designs on Pinterest, were walking among us, buying the same flowers. It always gave me a rush knowing that we were all buying the same product from the same place and it was what we were making of it that set us apart.

3. The Growers. This connection was unexpected and came with time. Florists coming into this world always reach out to me and say "How do i connect with growers? I don't know who to talk to or where to buy from?"
I can completely relate. The chaos and fast pace of the markets can seem like the worst place to strike up a conversation and say hi to the (sometimes) seemingly grouchy growers who were sipping their coffees and doing quick maths in their heads. But these connections are well worth investing time.

The connection we have with our growers, in my opinion, is one of the most important there is. To see the hands that carefully grow and harvest our flowers, to learn when seeds are planted then harvested and what weather events and seasonal changes affect the crops in different ways. To have to knowledge of the energy and love that goes into our product to pass this on to our customers.
And, my favourite part, to gush with over every twirly stems, speckled orchid, scented rose or wild smokebush branch.

Connecting with, visiting and celebrating our growers who provide the blooms that make our job possible is part of what makes me a lil bit of a flower nerd but I know that it's also a passion you all share so for the Mother's Day Module I visited the farm of Commercial Chrysanthemums to learn more about how the people behind the flowers.

Enjoy my interview with Aldo who sells the most delicious variety of chrys I've ever laid eyes on.